July 09, 2008

not bad, but not good.

I'm hot and I'm tired and i got a new job at work. i am back up sign maker i sit up stairs ona computer making signs for 4 hours out of the day now. im kinda afraid it will become a real persons job. i hope not!
Things are moving slowly or maybe not at all still i'm just kinda ridin' the wave. i want to go somewhere soon. Ben said this about being somewhere that isnt home... and its true
"All this always comes together to remind me how much I'm missing out on life when I'm constantly trying to convince myself how bad it is."

i met a grill from l.a. shes really cute. lets see what happens!

also fourth of July was tight i blew stuff up and got to play with 2 really cool babies!
Rosie and Robin each have a baby and both those pretty grills made two pretty babies. it was cool plus we barbecued some serious vegan shit!

also i made this video for Sylvia while shes in d.c

also i made an appointment to get tattoo finished!
heres some cell photos.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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