Doc sayz that The soft tissue on my knee cap is inflamed and wont heal until I rest it.
but i can never rest it!!! i need to ride a bike to work and i play drums and at work i stand and pivot for 7 hours!
i got x-rays done and if these knees of mine still hurt i go back in 2 weeks to see a specialist. BLEH!
i will never run or jump again! i have to wear knee braces now too!
Danny bailey came and sewed my crotch on my pants though that was cool.
+ new jacket
+ new beanie
+ Ashley made snicker doodles
+ cute grill at the burrito place is nice to me!
- knees are inflamed
- i still owe for dental bills
- my bed stays empty
oh yea me and Nick and Gabe made a movie short, because we were what wanna fight about it!
shits dangerous.
yea but i dont wanna ice it everynite! bleh!
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